Description: The following code can answer “How to print in assembly language?” This is one of the simplest assembly language programming 8086 examples where the program prints a hangman on the screen like this
/ \
[org 0x0100]
mov ax , 0xB800
mov es , ax
mov ax , 80
mov cx , 12
mul cx
mov cx , 40
add al , cl
mov cx , 2
mul cx
mov di , ax ;DI=Middle of the screen
mov ah , 0x0F
mov al , 'O'
mov [es:di] , ax
add di , 158
mov al , '/'
mov [es:di] , ax
add di , 2
mov al , '|'
mov [es:di] , ax
add di , 2
mov al , '\'
mov [es:di] , ax
add di , 156
mov al , '/'
mov [es:di] , ax
add di , 4
mov al , '\'
mov [es:di] , ax
mov ax , 0x4c00
int 0x21
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