Monday, 1 February 2016

Game of Life (C++)

Description:     LIFE is an organism that lives in a distinct 2D (two-dimensional) world. Here, we assume this world to be 80 X 22 cha... thumbnail 1 summary
Game of Life (C++)

Description:    LIFE is an organism that lives in a distinct 2D (two-dimensional) world. Here, we assume this world to be 80 X 22 characters (22 rows and 80 columns). With the passage of time, each generation brings births and deaths to the LIFE community according to the following rules:

        i) Each cell is defined to have 8 neighbor cells. These cells are located left, right, above, below, diagonally top-right and top-left, diagonally bottom-right and bottom-left

      ii) If there is zero or one LIFE neighbors around an occupied cell, the LIFE at this cell dies of loneliness. And if there are more than three LIFE neighbors, the LIFE dies of over crowding.

       iii) If an empty cell has exactly three LIFE neighbor cells, a new LIFE is born in this empty cell.

       iv) Births and deaths are instantaneous and occur at the changes of a generation. A cell dying for any reason may help in causing a birth but a new born cell cannot revive a cell that is dying nor will a cell’s death prevent the death of another, say, by reducing local population

Game of Life (C++)

C++ Code

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
void GAME_OF_LIFE(char arr[][80], int row)
     int i, j, a, b, lifes = 0, X_count = 0, L_count = 0;
     int X_i[1550], X_j[1550], L_i[1550], L_j[1550];
     for (i = 1;i<(row - 1);i++)
           for (j = 1;j<79;j++)
                lifes = 0;
                for (a = i - 1;a <= (i + 1);a++)
                     for (b = j - 1;b <= (j + 1);b++)
                           if (arr[a][b] == 'L'&&!(a == i&&b == j))
                if ((lifes <= 1 || lifes>3) && (arr[i][j] == 'L'))
                     X_i[X_count] = i;
                     X_j[X_count] = j;
                if ((lifes == 3) && (arr[i][j] == 'X'))
                     L_i[L_count] = i;
                     L_j[L_count] = j;
     for (int y = 0;y<X_count;y++)
           arr[X_i[y]][X_j[y]] = 'X';

     for (int z = 0;z<L_count;z++)
           arr[L_i[z]][L_j[z]] = 'L';
int main()
     const int row = 22;
     const int col = 80;
     ifstream fin("life.txt");
     char life[row][col];
     for (int i = 0;i<row;i++)
           for (int j = 0;j<col;j++)
                if ((rand() % 2) == 1)
                     life[i][j] = 'L';
                     life[i][j] = 'X';
     for (int i = 0;i<row;i++)
           for (int j = 0;j<col;j++)
                cout << life[i][j];
           cout << endl;

     GAME_OF_LIFE(life, row);

     cout << endl << endl;
     for (int a = 1;a <= col;a++)
           cout << "*";
     cout << endl << endl << endl;
     for (int i = 0;i<row;i++)
           for (int j = 0;j<col;j++)
                cout << life[i][j];
           cout << endl;
     return 0;

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